Parade REgistration

Parade Entrant Registration Instructions, Information, and Sign Up Form

Ovid Carriage Days Annual Parade

We would love to see you in this year’s parade on September 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

We wiill accept registrations until August 20, 2024. After this data, you will be placed last in line, in order of registration. For any questions, please feel free to reach us on our Main Contact Form

You will recieve confirmation in the mail at the ened of August. This will show the parade route, where the staging area will be, and provide you with general information.

We are excited to be able to have Carriage Days this year and look forward to see you all.

Registration Form

Ovid Carriage Days has been an important event since 1993. Organized by volunteers, it has provided community engagement, opportunities, and is the hallmark end of summer event for the surrounding area.

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Parade Registration


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